Welcome to Chemainus Lodge No. 114
Having adopted the name of Chemainus Lodge on March 6, 1926, the Masonic Brethren of Chemainus sent a letter, along with a petition to the Grand Lodge of British Columbia (now the Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon) requesting support for the Chemainus effort to form a Lodge. Chemainus Lodge No. 114 Ancient Free & Accepted Masons received it's Charter July 16, 1927.
Chemainus Lodge is in District 27 on Vancouver Island, and meets in St. John's Masonic Temple, in Ladysmith. The Lodge proudly performs the Emulation Ritual, as performed by the United Grand Lodge of England since 1815.
Our next Regular Communication will be on
Monday, November 11, 2024.
We will formally receive
Rt. Wor. Bro. Tom Mitchell
on this, his Official Visit to our Lodge.
We will also host invited Veterans and members of the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 191,
Chemainus, to dine with us for our annual
"Beans and bully beef" dinner.
All will be welcome in the Lodge room to participate in our
Annual Remembrance Ceremony.
Marking our 97th Year
November 11, 2024, marks the 106th anniversary of the end of hostilities in the First World War. There are no longer veterans of that conflict still with us. Surviving heroes of WWII are becoming less with each passing year, as with the soldiers who fought bravely in Korea. Many of us have relatives and ancestors who fought for Canada during those, and other conflicts. The Royal Canadian Legion, through the annual Poppy Campaign, strives to ensure the memory of our fallen heroes survives into eternity.
Wear a poppy, this year, and give thanks for the efforts of our fallen soldiers.
Sincerely and Fraternally
Very Worshipful Brother Terry van Seters
Worshipful Master
​Chemainus Lodge No. 114 meets the 2nd Monday of every month, excluding July and August, at St. John's Temple,
26 Gatacre Street, Ladysmith, BC
The Lodge tyles at 7:30 PM. Masonic visitors are always WELCOME!
Our Festive Boards, this year, will take place before Lodge
Reception at 6:00 p.m.
Dinner at 6:30 p.m.
V. Wor. Bro. Terry van Seters
Grand Secretary’s Office:
The Vancouver Masonic Centre
1464 7th Ave. W.
Vancouver, B.C.
V6H 1C1
Tel: 604-736-8941
Most Worshipful Brother
Mark Forster
Grand Master 2024/25
District Deputy Grand Master - District 27
Rt. Wor. Bro. Tom Mitchell